以下颜色的设计有助于使用AS2700系列颜色。单击色卡将其放大。再按一下芯片就会缩小它请再说一遍注意,颜色将根据计算机和屏幕设置的不同而显示不同。因此,它们只能作为指南。欲获得澳大利亚标准颜色瓦特尔指南的印刷本,请联系当地的工业涂料专家,并通过电话132 101联系瓦特尔客户服务部。
The colours below are designed to assist in the use of the AS2700 range of colours. Click on a colour chip to enlarge it. A second click on the chip will shrink it again.Please note, colours will be displayed differently depending upon the computer and screen settings. Therefore they should be treated as a guide only. For a printed copy of the Wattyl Guide to Australian Standard Colours contact your local industrial coatings specialist of contact Wattyl Customer Service on 132 101.
